Tuesday, November 25, 2008
addicted to facebook
I am hooked.... I have to figure out how to manage my time with that "black hole of time" in my life. I don't want to give it up because it is so cool to see what is going on with people at any given time...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
report cards....
Jessie got her first ever report card with letter grades...all A's!!! Cory brought his grades up a lot after a not so good progress report. A'sand B's. He will do better next time.
Monday, November 10, 2008
down, but not out
today was my first therapy day for my wrist. it hurt A Lot, and it was very discouraging. i can barely move it and any movement hurts. i felt like such a baby because the whole experience made me cry. the worst part was i couldn't dry it up before the therapist returned with my water. (she went to get ice water because the pain was making me feel sick.) she said this is normal because the sympathetic nervous system responds in this way at times. i wish mine wasn't quite so sympathetic!! i went up to work to take back the coolers i had picked up for them at cc griffin last week. what a dork! i was supposed to work today! i just assumed that i wouldn't work today since it was Monday and that is usually not a busier day. now i only get to work one day this week. well, at least i got the first therapy day out of the way. it has to get better from here!
Friday, November 7, 2008
friday reflections
- i got my cast off today. i am now in a removable wrist brace. a real shower tonight with no zip lock bags or duct tape! yea!! the wrist looks gross, bloody and small.
- for some odd reason i was shocked when the doc told me 4 more weeks of no work with the left arm. i still need pain meds every six hours and cannot stand for there to be any weight on the arm. by the end of the day i can't even stand for the fingers on my left hand to touch each other!
- i am sad because 2 people i liked at work quit abruptly yesterday after i left. i knew one of them was upset about something, but with her limited English and my more limited Spanish i could do little to comfort her. i am glad i took the time to give her a hug and let her know i was thinking of her. i didn't ask what happened. sometimes you can tell enough by what is not said to know to mind your own business.
- i really wish i had been able to take a conversational Spanish class this quarter, but it is probably best i didn't since i would have missed so much right after i got hurt.
- a sweet lady who had moved away came back and was working today! yea!
- did i mention i get to take a real shower with no plastic or duct tape? yea!!
- i need to figure out what is going on for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. i usually make gifts for my friends, but that is not likely with just one arm/hand. it will also change what i can do in regards to baking/cooking. God is really working on my control issues right now! i am really having to let other people do things that i would have insisted on doing myself in the past!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i am not happy with the results. i am proud that our country has come to a place that an African American can be elected president. i just don't like this particular choice. a very wise person said recently that he was not going to fret and wring his hands over this election because God is still in control. this has brought me great peace ever since i heard him say it. (thanks jimmy!) i was able to comfort my son with this same statement this morning as he was lamenting the outcome of the election. well, we will continue to do the best we can and trust God to take care of things.
Monday, November 3, 2008
face book
it seems just when i got caught up with what is going on with the world (having a blog), i find out i am still behind everyone else! it seems all my friends are on facebook. i thought i was too old for that stuff. i like my little blog, but i might have to check out the facebook thing.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
halloween fun

Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween
the kids are excited about halloween. cory especially, since he got his braces off and he can eat all the gooey candy and bubble gum he can get! i know some Christians are against halloween, but i think it is just an excuse for kids to play dress up and get free candy!
i am off to do my arm exercises and then go to work for a couple of hours. i am just an extra person, so if i get to tired i can rest or come home early. Amelia, you are the best!!!
i am off to do my arm exercises and then go to work for a couple of hours. i am just an extra person, so if i get to tired i can rest or come home early. Amelia, you are the best!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I Voted! You should too
i voted today. i thought i was being smart by going after lunch time to vote early at the harrisburg library. hah! it took about 1 hour from the time i got in line till i had cast my vote. an hour well spent. the line was even longer when i left! i am really glad i have that taken care of!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
sick kids and hurting arm
my poor kids are sick. they have all the classic strep symptoms, so we are off to the doc today. thankfully i am driving now, so i don't have to ask anyone to be around them to get us to the doc.
my arm is hurting a lot today. i am ready for the pain med to kick in. i started occupational therapy yesterday, so i suspect that is the reason i am in more pain today. that is fine with me, i will do whatever i need to, as long as it is helping me get better!
my arm is hurting a lot today. i am ready for the pain med to kick in. i started occupational therapy yesterday, so i suspect that is the reason i am in more pain today. that is fine with me, i will do whatever i need to, as long as it is helping me get better!
Monday, October 27, 2008
i recall not long ago complaining in my heart about cleaning the kitchen AGAIN and having to do laundry AGAIN.......wow...what a difference a couple of weeks makes. i put a few dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on and did a load of laundry today! yea me!! i am so excited that i could get up and do these things today. now, granted, i couldn't have actually washed any dishes (still in the cast) and i couldn't fold the laundry, but hey let's not be picky here! also, thanks to my friends stephanie and nikki i have food here that i can prepare for supper with a little help from cory. again, i can't do very much, but it was something!!! stephanie got us an angel food box with frozen (cooked) salisbury steaks and nikki shopped for us so i have a can opener that cory used to open a can of green beans. brian can do boil in bag rice when he gets here and viola...dinner is served!
i know God didn't want me to get hurt, but i pray that i can learn whatever He wants me to from this whole experience.
i know God didn't want me to get hurt, but i pray that i can learn whatever He wants me to from this whole experience.
enough about me
people and stuff i am praying for and about:
- joe bagley and his family - joe has been in the hospital with gall bladder problems which would be bad enough if he didn't already have a brain tumor that he goes to duke for treatment for every 2 weeks
- al neumeister - he works with my daddy. he had multiple by-pass surgery last week and it has been pretty rough going
- a couple of my dearest friends are going thru some tough stuff right now
- my friend brenda's cat died
- the election
- the economy
- all the people who have helped our family
- family our church is helping who lost everything to hurricane ike
- my granny
Saturday, October 25, 2008
i am upright!
yea! i got my staples out on Thursday. i felt fine till they put some kind of medicinal glue stuff on my elbow to stick the steri strips to. it smelled so bad it made me nauseous. they gave me 7-up and i thought i would be fine after Catherine got me home. not!!!! i have been sick to my stomach since then! i ran out of the anti-nausea meds on weds. night and took the pain medicine a couple of times without it. i don't know what caused the nausea, but the dr. called me in a different pain med and some more of the anti-nausea med. i took that last night and today and i was finally able to eat some noodle soup and crackers! yea! all i did yesterday was lay on the couch and cry off and on all day. i felt so bad, my stomach felt terrible and my arm hurt because i was afraid to take pain meds without the anti-nausea meds. again, i am amazed at the huge outpouring of love and generosity from everyone in our church family! we would really have been and still would be in a bad way if not for all of the wonderful people who have taken such incredible care of us!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
thoughts from today
- cory got his braces off today! he was so excited. thanks tami for driving us to the appointment. i still can't drive. still need the mega pain meds.
- had a wart burned off my face and one cut off my eyelid yesterday. still pretty sore, which is saying something since i am still on pain meds for the arm.
- had my hair trimmed and colored yesterday, funny how something like that makes you feel better. thanks shannon, derrick, daniel and joshua.
- thanks brian for taking me everywhere yesterday. it was nice to see my friends from chick-fil-a. i miss going to work everyday.
- i love you catherine!
- i am trying to take this one day at a time and focus on the positive.
- i truly believe attitude effects how you feel and how you heal
- God is bigger than everything else...thank goodness
Friday, October 17, 2008
it never ceases to amaze me the love and generosity that just bubbles up and out of my family, friends and church family. my family an d i have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams during this ordeal. people have brought us meals, vacuumed our home, done our grocery shopping, bought our groceries, driven me to dr. appointments, driven me to the library and taken me to lunch, taken our kids to church activities and 4h and picked them up from school every day. they have visited, called, sent cards and brought flowers and given us cash and gift cards. most important of all is all the prayers that have been said on my and my family's behalf. i have found out that not only have my friends and family prayed for me, but the churches of my friends at work and the church of a lady who works with brian. it is a most humbling experience. i am most unworthy of all of this, but by God's grace i am cared for and loved and i am forever grateful.
cool xray pictures

wednesday catherine took me to the doc. he took off the splint and took some xrays. catherine took some photos of the xrays, really cool. the elbow shows the replacement radial head and the piece that goes into the bone to stabalize my new part. i should have asked if there is a lifetime warrenty on the parts. i better find the receipt, brian always saves receipts in case we have to return something! the wrist pictures show the plate and screws that will keep my wrist together.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
things i can't do with one hand
- unbutton my jeans!
- open a pill bottle
- pour from a full tea pitcher
- put my hair in bobby pins
- put my hair in a pony tail to wash my face
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i am overwhelmed by God's love and the way the people in my life are so quick to share that love. i would truly be lost without them. i am still under the influence, so i don't want to call any of my angels of mercy by name. i would be devastated to think i left someone out! i love you all and i thank God for the blessings you all are in my life!
i feel bad
i felt better this morning and i guess i overdid it. i am hurting pretty bad now. the swelling is back up and my first 2 fingers look like bratwursts that were left on to cook too long and they are about to burst. they are'nt bruised or anything, just really swollen, tight and orange from the betadyne. i will try an ice pack...
Monday, October 13, 2008
on the mend...and overwhelming love
well, here is a recap of my weekend:
i went to work at 6 am Friday. at around 6:30 i fell from the uppermost section of the cooler backwards. i guess all of my weight landed on my elbow. i got to ride in an ambulance. long story short, i ended up with a dislocated elbow and wrist and broken bones in my wrist and elbow. i had surgery to put a plate and screws in my wrist and and to put ball and pin in my elbow. basically, i sheared off the end of my elbow and they made me a new one. i had to stay in the hospital till Sunday afternoon. first, arm and elbow pain, then reaction to the pain meds (lots of throwing up), then had to wait for the fever to go down. so glad to be home!!!!!!!!
i am overwhelmed by the love and support shown to me and my family during this difficult time. i have gotten beautiful flowers and and delicious food and much appreciated visits and phone calls and especially prayers!). i truly cannot imagine going thru life without our church family to lift me and my family up and take care of us. i am doubly blessed because of the people with whom i work. some of my friends from work came to see me in the hospital. friends from church went grocery shopping. other friends took care of getting our kids to and from school and to their church activities. sorry, capitalization too hard with one hand!
sorry if this sounds loopy, good pain meds...
i went to work at 6 am Friday. at around 6:30 i fell from the uppermost section of the cooler backwards. i guess all of my weight landed on my elbow. i got to ride in an ambulance. long story short, i ended up with a dislocated elbow and wrist and broken bones in my wrist and elbow. i had surgery to put a plate and screws in my wrist and and to put ball and pin in my elbow. basically, i sheared off the end of my elbow and they made me a new one. i had to stay in the hospital till Sunday afternoon. first, arm and elbow pain, then reaction to the pain meds (lots of throwing up), then had to wait for the fever to go down. so glad to be home!!!!!!!!
i am overwhelmed by the love and support shown to me and my family during this difficult time. i have gotten beautiful flowers and and delicious food and much appreciated visits and phone calls and especially prayers!). i truly cannot imagine going thru life without our church family to lift me and my family up and take care of us. i am doubly blessed because of the people with whom i work. some of my friends from work came to see me in the hospital. friends from church went grocery shopping. other friends took care of getting our kids to and from school and to their church activities. sorry, capitalization too hard with one hand!
sorry if this sounds loopy, good pain meds...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Would you do it??
I pass the Lowes Motor Speedway on my way to and from work most days. There is a huge race this weekend and there are quite literally tens of thousands of people there already camping out and hanging around. There are tons of vendors out there selling anything you can think of that might interest a race fan. I did see the funniest thing I have ever seen. Right beside Highway 29 is a little camper. They got there days ago, and I guess beat out some other vendors for the prime spot. It is not an RV, fancy motor coach, or even a fancy fifth-wheel. It is little, definitely not new, pull behind camper. It has been spray painted with the words "Body Piercing", pictures of tongue studs and other "body jewelry" and words like "free jewelry". When I say spray painted, I don't mean fancy artistic airbrushing (which of course is high brow art in anyones estimation). I mean some guy went into his yard with a can of red spray paint and went to town on this camper. Who in their right mind would have a body part pierced in a little red spray painted camper on the side of the road? Okay, maybe I just answered my own question, but still.....If I can get a picture of it, I will post it. (By the way, I have my ears double pierced and I have a tattoo, but I just don't get body piercing)
Strange Day
Work was strange today. Not bad, just strange. I was on headset, and usually on a Thursday we would be pretty busy. We were not really busy, but we just kept having the monstrous orders. I had an $86.00 order in the drive through! I had more than a normal amount of multiple orders per car. Then I had a car the kept ordering diet water and then everyone in the car would crack up laughing. They were funny and after they came through and ordered about 5 meals, they came back through and ordered one more, with....wait for it...diet water!
I promised Jessie last month that I would take her to Skate Night tonight. Yuck. What was I thinking. She is very excited and she loves skate night. Oh yeah, that is what I was thinking!
Well, I have to type Jessie's entry into the Young Author's contest, fix supper, and take a shower and have Jessie at skate night by 6:30. Probably should get started on that. (It's 4:30 now)
I promised Jessie last month that I would take her to Skate Night tonight. Yuck. What was I thinking. She is very excited and she loves skate night. Oh yeah, that is what I was thinking!
Well, I have to type Jessie's entry into the Young Author's contest, fix supper, and take a shower and have Jessie at skate night by 6:30. Probably should get started on that. (It's 4:30 now)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Random thoughts
- feeling strongly about something doesn't make you (or me) right about it
- I love my husband. A man who volunteers to go grocery shopping a second time in one day just so you and your friends can drown your sorrows in ice cream is head and shoulders above most men.
- chocolate rocks
- someone was supposed to look at our house today, but they left no card or other evidence that they were here
- friends should contact you other than when they want to sell you something
- I don't know if this is a fact or not, but dogs lower my blood pressure
- cats don't have the same effect
- many cliches and platitudes come to be so because their is some bit of truth in them
- chocolate rocks...did I say that already?
- I love everybody...I don't like everybody and that is ok
- I love rain, I could watch it for hours. Does that make me simple minded, easily entertained or just appreciative of God's beautiful world
- making people smile is a worthwhile endeavor
- Prayer is underrated
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
10 Things I love that start with the letter O
On my friend Stephanie's blog, http://steph-confessionsofasahm.blogspot.com she wrote last week about a blog she read where the lady posted her favorite 10 things that start with the letter N. Well that lady invited others to "play along" and Stephanie wanted to play. The lady assigned her the letter P, so she posted 10 things she loves that start with the letter P. Stephanie then asked if others wanted to play along, so asked if I could play along too. I was assigned the letter O. Here are my favorite things that start with the letter O:
1. Omniscient and Omnipresent - both of course referring to God who is all knowing and everywhere. This of course, is first, the rest are in no particular order.
2. orange juice
3. origami
4. Ozzy Osbourne's song "Crazy Train"
5. otters - they are really cute
6. oven - without it I couldn't make chocolate pound cake and Thanksgiving turkey
7. oreos - specifically the chocolate covered kind.
8. ostriches - they are just funny
9. October - I love fall.
10. Offerings - an album by Third Day
1. Omniscient and Omnipresent - both of course referring to God who is all knowing and everywhere. This of course, is first, the rest are in no particular order.
2. orange juice
3. origami
4. Ozzy Osbourne's song "Crazy Train"
5. otters - they are really cute
6. oven - without it I couldn't make chocolate pound cake and Thanksgiving turkey
7. oreos - specifically the chocolate covered kind.
8. ostriches - they are just funny
9. October - I love fall.
10. Offerings - an album by Third Day
Monday, October 6, 2008
My Monday Tirade
okay, I am so behind on my blog!! I have a lot of catching up to do, but today I only have time for my tirade!
Dear rude drive-through customer,
When I ask you for clarification of your order, it is not that I am stupid. You don't have to start speaking very slowly or very loudly. You also do not need to ask me very slowly and/or loudly if I understand ANYTHING AT ALL! Contrary to your belief, I am not stupid or slow. It could be that the airplane flying overhead made it too loud for me to hear you. It could be that you are too rude to turn off the diesel engine of your truck and it sounds like my head is in the engine while you are ordering. It could be that the lady in the kitchen is asking me if the car ahead of you really wants a chicken sandwich with no chicken and 12 orders of fries with no salt.
I don't work here because I couldn't get a job anywhere else. I work here because it is a wonderful Christian company that respects my desire to put God first, my family second and everything else after that. I work here because I don't have to worry if I have to call in late or sick because my children need me. I work here because I enjoy it. I have a BA in Sociology. The kids I work with are all in high school or in college. Some of them work during the day because they finished high school early and are not quite ready for college. Some are taking classes at night because the class or classes they need are only offered at night. Oh, and btw...while you are rudely talking to me like I am stupid, I am recording your order on the register while making the drinks for the cars ahead of you and for you, filling milkshake and dessert orders, refilling my cups and the ice in my bin, and going to get a 10 gallon tea container to refill the tea dispenser at my work station. So if you have to wait for 30 seconds for me to answer, please keep this in mind, all the while knowing that I can't talk to you unless I have a free hand to hold down the call button on the headset. Trust me, this is a good thing, since you wouldn't want to hear what I just said!!!!
Dear rude drive-through customer,
When I ask you for clarification of your order, it is not that I am stupid. You don't have to start speaking very slowly or very loudly. You also do not need to ask me very slowly and/or loudly if I understand ANYTHING AT ALL! Contrary to your belief, I am not stupid or slow. It could be that the airplane flying overhead made it too loud for me to hear you. It could be that you are too rude to turn off the diesel engine of your truck and it sounds like my head is in the engine while you are ordering. It could be that the lady in the kitchen is asking me if the car ahead of you really wants a chicken sandwich with no chicken and 12 orders of fries with no salt.
I don't work here because I couldn't get a job anywhere else. I work here because it is a wonderful Christian company that respects my desire to put God first, my family second and everything else after that. I work here because I don't have to worry if I have to call in late or sick because my children need me. I work here because I enjoy it. I have a BA in Sociology. The kids I work with are all in high school or in college. Some of them work during the day because they finished high school early and are not quite ready for college. Some are taking classes at night because the class or classes they need are only offered at night. Oh, and btw...while you are rudely talking to me like I am stupid, I am recording your order on the register while making the drinks for the cars ahead of you and for you, filling milkshake and dessert orders, refilling my cups and the ice in my bin, and going to get a 10 gallon tea container to refill the tea dispenser at my work station. So if you have to wait for 30 seconds for me to answer, please keep this in mind, all the while knowing that I can't talk to you unless I have a free hand to hold down the call button on the headset. Trust me, this is a good thing, since you wouldn't want to hear what I just said!!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Busy weekend...the recap
We survived the weekend! Friday night the kids and I went to Dawn's to celebrate Heather's birthday. Brian had to work. It was a fun and relaxed time and I enjoyed spending time with Dawn, her step dad Bob, Catherine, Steve, Dave and the kids. Saturday, the kids and I got up and finished the grocery list, straightened the house, went grocery shopping, came home and made a cake and took showers. By then Brian was getting home and Cory's guests were arriving. I lucked out, since we miscounted and realized we would have to take 2 vehicles! Brian volunteered to drive the van, with all 5 boys and Jessie and I took the car!! Wow, teenage boys can eat a lot of pizza and dessert from a buffet! I don't think we could have fed them any other way! When we got home, Brian and the boys settled into movies and video games and Jessie and I hid ourselves away upstairs playing the High School musical DVD game. I won... Only 2 of the boys spent the night. Sunday morning, I woke up way too early, around 5 am, just in time to hear Brian tell Cory he had to go to bed! Brian was getting ready to go to church. When you meet in a gymnasium, the set up guys have to get there really early to set up the stage, lights, sound system, chairs, Sunday school areas, nursery etc. I went back to bed and then overslept till 8:20!! I was supposed to teach Sunday school at 9:30! I had planned ahead as far as getting a bunch of sleepy boys up, so I put the bacon in the microwave and set to waking them up. They did very well, especially since none of them went to bed before 4 am! I hope Stephen didn't end up with a migraine because of it. We got to church around 9:40 and thanks to my friend Carol setting up the DVD player with her copy of the DVD, I was ready when the kids were dismissed from worship! We had a GREAT lesson. The kids and I are really getting into this Spy series. They are learning about prophets and the things God told people through the prophets. Look for some pics next week. Several of the girls have really gotten into our main song and they are so cute doing to motions! As long as it is ok with their parents, I will have their pics up next week. After church, we went to Rock Group. It was good to see (almost) everyone, even if it was just for a little while. We missed the Hathcocks, but hope John Riley did well in the tournament. We left rock group and went to help unload pumpkins. We almost missed it. The truck is always late, and it always takes hours to unload...but not this time. The truck was on time and we probably had triple the number of people we usually have. It was great to see so many people there and to realize that our church has grown to a size that I didn't even recognize all of the people who showed up. There was a time when I knew everyone in the church by name!! We came home, showered, ate and went to bed. Whew!! While I am glad not every weekend is quite that busy, it was fun!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Darrell and Wilma
Joyous news...Darrell and Wilma are both home and on the mend. Thanks to all who prayed for them. I can't wait to hug their necks!!
Busy weekend coming up!
This is going to be a really busy weekend. Tonight the kids and I will go to celebrate Heather's birthday. Tomorrow morning, we will go grocery shopping. Then I will make a birthday cake for Cory. Around 4:30 a few, very few as they are getting much bigger! ;), of Cory's friends will come over. When Brian gets home from work we will go to CiCi's for pizza. Then we will come home and the boys will watch movies and play video games. They plan to stay up all night. That is fine with me, as long as they don't wake the rest of us up. Brian will get up at the crack of dawn and go set up for church and the rest of us will get up and be at church by 9:00 so I can teach Sunday school at the 9:30 service. Then it is on to rock group for lunch and much needed catch-up time. At around 4:30 the pumpkins should be delivered to the church land, so we will be there to help unload the truck. After that, it is home, supper, showers, bed and back at the weekly schedule again. Doesn't make you tired just to think about it? I am looking forward to it though!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Prayer for Darrell and Wilma
We have some friends at church that need prayer today. Darrell had a heart attack yesterday and had a stent put in to unblock a 100% blockage. His sweet wife, Wilma, was hospitalized sometime last night or early this morning. They are doing tests on her. Darrell is doing better and due to the quickness of his medical treatment, the doctors don't expect him to have lasting damage to his heart. Darrell and Wilma's kids and grandkids need your prayers too. Darrell and Wilma: We love you very much and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
I am so thankful and grateful for my friends. Last week I was really down. Not normal down, but really down. When my friends found out, they have been so great this week, calling and e-mailing me to let me know that they are thinking of/praying for me. I am thankful too, that even though my heart was sad last week, I still had joy. Happiness is situational. It comes and goes. Joy, however, is from the Lord, and it does not come and go based on our circumstances. One of the ways God brings me joy is through my dear friends. Thanks Karen, Shannon and Missy. Ya'll Rock!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy Birthday to Cory Part 2

Tonight, we will have Cheesy Hashbrown Hamburger Helper and green beans. Cory's favorite and then this weekend he is having a few friends over. Here is a picture of Cory taken today and a picture of the rock Brian painted for him at CC Griffin. Also a picture of Cory and Jessie blackberry picking this summer, Cory and Snack several years ago, before his hair grew long. The other picture is of Cory as a newborn. Yea Cory! I am so glad you are my son!! I can hardly believe that you will be a teenager next year!!
Happy Birthday Cory!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Do you ever wonder how strong your friendships are? Will they stand the test of time and of the difficult things that sometimes must be said between friends? To be honest, I have VERY FEW relationships in my life that I feel could withstand much pressure. I don't just mean friendships either. I have a hard time figuring out when to speak my mind and when to keep my big mouth shut. History has shown me that keeping my big mouth shut is best, selfish sometimes, but best for me. I am at a place in my life where I have to evaluate this practice and figure out what to do next. I am so thankful for Brian. My relationship with him has stood the test of time, 16 years total, 13 of them married. It has also withstood many pressures from within and without. Without him, I would be lost. Any feedback is welcome.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Busy weekend etc...
We had a pretty busy weekend. The kids and I had thought we would get up, do some chores, go grocery shopping and then go to Discount Furniture and hang out and listen to the band. My Daddy manages the furniture store and they were having a 20th anniversary sale. The man that owns the store is in a band, and they were playing in the afternoon. As it turned out, Daddy needed someone to help out with serving the hot dogs that they were giving away to the customers. The kids and I were glad to help, and it was super nice that they decided to pay us for the time. It did make our day a bit busier than planned, since our time there was longer than expected, but it was really fun. I was proud of the kids, as I told them to get paid, they had to actually help, not run around a play. They did a really good job and got lots of compliments on their customer service skills and their manners. Both pleased me immensely. By the time we finished, then listened to the band and rode back from Kannapolis....then went grocery shopping, it was nearly 8 o'clock. I still had to plan my Sunday school lesson! Fortunately, once we get into a series, it doesn't take so much prep on my part. Today was a great day at church, and this afternoon I even had time for a little nap before fixing supper and taking Cory and his friend back to church tonight. Thanks goodness Brian was so sweet to wash my uniforms for work tomorrow, since I didn't really think about it till late today!
Friday, September 19, 2008
My heart is sad

Sometimes it is so hard to be an adult. Although I know God forgives us when we ask, this does not mean that the consequences for bad choices and decisions are erased. Usually I have an easier time dealing with this stuff, but not this week. I don't know why except my heart is tired right now.
My heart hurts when my friends hurt too. My dearest friend is hurting, and I wish I could make her pain go away. I am praying that her heart would not hurt and that she will have joy always.
I had a good day at work today. I work with great people who pay attention to how I am doing, and respond. Today, I wasn't up for a lot of stress and I didn't have to deal with any. I got to make box lunches and catering orders and restock coolers and other non stressful stuff. Millie makes my heart happy. Brian makes my heart happiest. He came by work today just to say Hey. He didn't come to eat, he didn't need to tell me anything, he just came to check on me and say Hey. Millie said "he really loves you"and I said "I know." God blessed my life when He sent Brian into it.
I am going outside to pull weeds and cut dead flowers. I hope this will give me peace and let me relax. It usually does.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Cool weather makes my heart happy
I like North Carolina. I like the seasons. Just when I think I am sick to death of whatever season we are in, it starts to change. I know we aren't finished with hot days, but at least we are starting to have some cool ones mixed in. I love wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. Brian thinks that it is a goofy thing to do. I don't see any difference in the short/sweatshirt combo than wearing long pants and a short sleeve shirt.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Great Day at church
We had a great day at church today. The kids really like this new series, "Spy Chase". Today that learned about not being afraid because God is always with them. Weird because Jimmy of talked about the same thing to the adults in his lesson also. The music rocked. I really needed lively music to worship with today, and the band truly delivered that today. Back to Jimmy's lesson, I think I have been living afraid lately. I have to figure out what to do about it. I believe that God gives us a brain to think through problems, but the challenge is to leave your own will out of your plans and be open to what God wants to do. I want to be open to the leading of the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Disappointment and joy
The little house I fell in love with in Kannapolis has been sold. I am sad. I know that if it sold, then that isn't where God wanted my family to be, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. It should really, but right now I am just sad. It is so hard to trust God sometimes. Especially when you think you are doing everything you can to try to figure out what God wants you to do and nothing seems to be working out.
On a happy note BRIAN COMES HOME TODAY, so I am off to make the house look happy and get my Sunday school lesson planned.
On a happy note BRIAN COMES HOME TODAY, so I am off to make the house look happy and get my Sunday school lesson planned.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Today we should remember

This is a happy picture of my kids one year on July 4th. We get to celebrate our country because of all of the people who are willing to risk their lives to protect it, both inside and outside our borders. 7 years ago, many who didn't volunteer for it, died in an act of war against our country.
Today is the kind of day that we all remember exactly where we were when tragedy struck our country. To all the people who think this war is unnecessary: What did you feel when you watched the towers crash and burn? What did you feel when you realized the Pentagon had been hit? When you found out that innocent people had been on all of the planes that were used as weapons to kill more innocent people? Do you really think that the average Iraqi person is evil? Or do you think they want their kids to grow up without the threat of war each and every day? The terrorists hate you. They don't care what your politics or religion is. They don't care how "liberal", "open-minded" or "politically correct" you are. They care that you are not like them. There is nothing you can do to be like them. They just want you dead. Period. So get off your high horse and reach back in your mind and in your heart and remember how you felt that day, when the greatest nation on the planet was under attack. Remember that you can go or not go to church if you so choose. Remember that you can rant and rave about how much you hate our government without being afraid of being killed. Remember you can pretty much do whatever you want, because there are people who put on a uniform and miss birthdays, Christmas, and their babies first words or steps to make you safe and keep the evil at bay, and out of your back yard. USA! USA! USA!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
As Jimmy says...Mind dump
- Today is my bestest (Catherine) friend's birthday. I was going to call her after I walked Jessie to class, but God had me pass her in the car rider line at CC Griffin. I just felt like I should call her right then instead of waiting. I am so glad I did. She had a staff meeting and I would have missed her. I would have called her later, but I wanted her to know that I was starting my day thankful she was born and is part of my life.
- Cory gets his braces off in 6 weeks. Within 2 months he has to have his top 2 baby canine teeth pulled. About a year later, he will get braces again, top and bottom this time. But for now, he is planning and dreaming of popcorn and bubble gum. He is is grateful he doesn't have to call his 2 front teeth by their names any longer. (Buck and Back!)
- I love my job. I have the most godly sweet manager and the most wonderful coworkers in the world. Chick-fil-a at Concord Mills rocks out loud!
- Brian is going on a men's retreat to the beach. The guys are supposed to play golf and fish. Brian doesn't really do either, but he is overdue for some time to hang out with his friends. I know they will do some good Bible study, which he will enjoy. They will also be silly and rude and in general: be guys. As well they should and I wouldn't want them to be any other way. Brian underestimates what a great guy he really is and how much fun he is to be around. He will pick on you unmercifully...unless he finds out it really hurts your feelings. He is hilarious. If he decides to be your friend, he is loyal to the end, no matter what. okay...if I don't change the subject, I will go on all night. Love my husband, nuff said.
- While I will miss him, I am going to the library to check out a bunch of books!
- You can say hard things to people, if you are truly speaking out of love and respect for God and the other person.
- My daughter wishes for more homework.
- My son wishes homework was against the law.
- I like rain. (not flooding rain, just regular rain)
- Loyalty is underrated.
- Snack is a great dog.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Pumpkin Patch

Our church, Rocky River Community Church, has a Pumpkin Patch from the end of September to the end of October every year. It is on the land that will one day have our church sitting on it, at the corner of Roberta and Pitts School Roads. One of my favorite things all year is the unloading of the pumpkin truck when it comes. For some reason I can't recall, I missed it last year. I don't know why I like it so much. I get filthy dirty and I am always dog tired by the time we are done. My favorite part is being in the back of that big old truck passing the pumpkins down an assembly line out to the people on the ground to place the pumpkins on the pallets to be sold. It is the biggest fundraiser our church does. It would not happen at all if the Bagley Family didn't give up the month of October to work the patch. Other people volunteer, but the Bagley's make the patch happen. There have been times when their family stayed there day AND night, sleeping in a camper and basically having a month long camp out. (I am sure this is great for a while, but it has to get old!) This year the pumpkins are scheduled to come on September 28, after church. I can't wait!!!
Second win on the supper front
Tonight I made homemade vegetable soup and sandwiches. I cheated and used a bag of frozen veggies specifically for soup. I just had to pick out the okra...gross! I added a pint of canned tomato juice (that Jessie helped make at Ms. Jennifer's), a can of 99% fat free beef broth, water, frozen corn, water and some beef bouillon. Everyone like it but Jessie. At least she had a fairly healthy sandwich of turkey, lettuce and onions. Now I just need to try to make it as flavorful without quite as much sodium. Brian's blood pressure stays fairly high, even on 2 bp meds, so I try to watch that too! Tomorrow I will do the grilled chicken salad, which I know will be a big hit all the way around.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Great Day at church
Today was a great day at church. My church, Rocky River Community Church, had a baptism service today. It always makes me happy and makes me cry at the same time. I am so proud of Carol, Sherry, Donnie, Amy, Jody, Haley, Nick, Megan, Nicole K., Nicole F. and everyone else who publicly professed their faith in Jesus Christ today.
The band rocked it out. These guys are so awesome. With the exception of our worship pastor, all of the guys in the band are volunteers who give of their time and energy to God, for our church to have the most awesome praise and worship time every Sunday. They play their hearts out on Sundays, but I know there is a lot more to it than that. They obviously practice their hearts out too, and Brandon makes a huge effort to pick songs that are relevant. He does a really good job of picking out music we know , mix in new songs and have the music go along with the message that Jimmy is teaching each week. Jimmy's message was really great and I can't wait to read the rest of it on his blog, since he didn't have time to do the whole thing in one service.
I had a blast in Sunday school too. We started a new series of lessons called Spy Chase. I really hope the kids liked it, because I had a blast. Today we compared apples to limes. We talked about how you can call the lime an apple and call the apple a lime, but that doesn't make it so. It is the same thing with other beliefs and religions. Other people can say that their belief system is just as good as believing in the one true God and that there are other ways to get to heaven besides Jesus Christ, but that doesn't make it so either! It is a fine line to walk to teach kids to be "tolerant" ie: not cruel etc. to people who believe differently than what we know to be true, without allowing the tolerance to lead them away from the Lord and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
The band rocked it out. These guys are so awesome. With the exception of our worship pastor, all of the guys in the band are volunteers who give of their time and energy to God, for our church to have the most awesome praise and worship time every Sunday. They play their hearts out on Sundays, but I know there is a lot more to it than that. They obviously practice their hearts out too, and Brandon makes a huge effort to pick songs that are relevant. He does a really good job of picking out music we know , mix in new songs and have the music go along with the message that Jimmy is teaching each week. Jimmy's message was really great and I can't wait to read the rest of it on his blog, since he didn't have time to do the whole thing in one service.
I had a blast in Sunday school too. We started a new series of lessons called Spy Chase. I really hope the kids liked it, because I had a blast. Today we compared apples to limes. We talked about how you can call the lime an apple and call the apple a lime, but that doesn't make it so. It is the same thing with other beliefs and religions. Other people can say that their belief system is just as good as believing in the one true God and that there are other ways to get to heaven besides Jesus Christ, but that doesn't make it so either! It is a fine line to walk to teach kids to be "tolerant" ie: not cruel etc. to people who believe differently than what we know to be true, without allowing the tolerance to lead them away from the Lord and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sesame Teriyaki Noodle supper
Yea! It was a big hit! Who knew? Jessie didn't even have to have hers separated!
I am thrilled to have another dish on the list that my whole family will eat!
I am thrilled to have another dish on the list that my whole family will eat!
Food for thought
While the kids were in school today....yes today is Sat and the kids had a 1/2 day school to make up for the flood day we had a week or so ago, I went to the grocery stores. I say stores because I go to aldi and walmart. I only go to walmart for the things I just can't get at aldi. I love aldi...walmart is the necessary evil in my life. We are in an eating rut at our house. My kids are very picky eaters and Brian has to eat a low fat diet. He is fighting hard to not develop diabetes and has done well by losing over 20lbs. The challenge for me is to feed to picky kids and a husband I want to stay healthy and alive with me for a very long time to come. His mom died an early death at 64 due to complications, in part, from uncontrolled diabetes. We have a rule in my house that mommy doesn't cook "weird" food and therefore you have to eat what mommy cooks. It is a good rule, but it doesn't do for me to push it too much. If they just refuse to eat and I send them to bed hungry, I worry and they feel like crap. It is very much a challenge to do all this on a budget!
I hope I score big this week. Tonight we are having Sesame teriyaki. The kids love stir fry, so I hope the Asian theme will go over well. It is a box dinner with noodles with sesame teriyaki sauce and toasted sesame seed topping. I will add fresh chicken, broccoli and carrots to the noodles for a one bowl kind of supper. If it goes well, I will try to find a way to make something similar without using the box dinner. It is low in fat, but high in sodium. I am also going to try homemade vegetable soup and sandwiches. My kids don't eat tomato based sauces ie: no spaghetti, lasagna, etc. They eat very little pizza, usually with no tomato sauce on it. It is hard to make vegetable soup without tomatoes, so this will be one of the "mommy doesn't cook weird foods, so you have to eat it" nights. I figure home canned tomatoes isn't the same as spaghetti pizza sauce, and I will have sandwiches as well, so they won't go hungry. I am also making beef stew, which they have learned to eat. Jessie doesn't like her foods mixed together, so we just put hers on a plate and separate the items on her plate and she does ok. I bought "super trim beef" so it is better for Brian...more expensive, but healthier. We are also having a big salad with grilled chicken..Brian's idea. Bless his heart, he eats so much salad now I know he feels like a rabbit sometimes!! Well, wish me and my family luck this week as we try to get out of our food rut!
I hope I score big this week. Tonight we are having Sesame teriyaki. The kids love stir fry, so I hope the Asian theme will go over well. It is a box dinner with noodles with sesame teriyaki sauce and toasted sesame seed topping. I will add fresh chicken, broccoli and carrots to the noodles for a one bowl kind of supper. If it goes well, I will try to find a way to make something similar without using the box dinner. It is low in fat, but high in sodium. I am also going to try homemade vegetable soup and sandwiches. My kids don't eat tomato based sauces ie: no spaghetti, lasagna, etc. They eat very little pizza, usually with no tomato sauce on it. It is hard to make vegetable soup without tomatoes, so this will be one of the "mommy doesn't cook weird foods, so you have to eat it" nights. I figure home canned tomatoes isn't the same as spaghetti pizza sauce, and I will have sandwiches as well, so they won't go hungry. I am also making beef stew, which they have learned to eat. Jessie doesn't like her foods mixed together, so we just put hers on a plate and separate the items on her plate and she does ok. I bought "super trim beef" so it is better for Brian...more expensive, but healthier. We are also having a big salad with grilled chicken..Brian's idea. Bless his heart, he eats so much salad now I know he feels like a rabbit sometimes!! Well, wish me and my family luck this week as we try to get out of our food rut!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Water Day Rocked
Thanks to Carol and Kim for planning and pulling off a very great water day for the kids at RRCC. The kids had a ball. Thanks also to Nikki, Lonnie, Travis, Mike, and Jimmy for playing in the cold water with the kids while wimps like me stayed inside! Special thanks to Carol, since you did not intend on getting wet, and you were soaked to the skin and it was not hot outside!! Jessie said it was AWESOME and she loved the Gutter Sundae as well! She especially loved it when her friend Brianna T. dumped ice cream on her. Jessie likes to follow the rules, but when she gets to completely let loose and go crazy, she really enjoys that too!!!
Mother of the year
Someone looked at our house last night. (fyi, it is on the market) We did the usual run around like crazy, vacuuming, straightening and sitting around from 4:30 to 6 pm not messing anything up. This of course includes not fixing supper, lest we be sitting down to eat and the people show up. Well, they never showed up or called. We ate cold cereal for supper. Around 7 Nikki got here so we could go meet Shannon and Karen for coffee. I called Brian, who said he was 10 to 15 min. away. No biggie, Cory is almost 12, so I left, reminding him to not let anyone in the house. As I was about to sit down with my coffee, Brian called and said when he got home their were people, STRANGERS, in our home looking at the house. Apparently the agent had radiator problems.
The agent knocked on the door and Cory answered through it, asking who he was etc. Well, since the guy said he was supposed to have shown the house between 4:30 and 6, which Cory knew to be true....wait for it.... He let a stranger into the house when nobody was home but him and Jessie! Now, I know the guy could have come in with his realtor key thing, but it is computerized so at least we would have had a record of who entered the house. Cory could have said, "my Dad will be here in a couple of minutes, would you mind waiting?", the people were over an hour late. But no...he let strangers into the house while no adults were home. Mother of the year I tell you......
BTW, received feedback today from the agent who showed the house. The people liked it, but not the lot, so they are going with something else. woo-hoo....
Also btw, Cory is not ready to be left home alone yet...ya think?
The agent knocked on the door and Cory answered through it, asking who he was etc. Well, since the guy said he was supposed to have shown the house between 4:30 and 6, which Cory knew to be true....wait for it.... He let a stranger into the house when nobody was home but him and Jessie! Now, I know the guy could have come in with his realtor key thing, but it is computerized so at least we would have had a record of who entered the house. Cory could have said, "my Dad will be here in a couple of minutes, would you mind waiting?", the people were over an hour late. But no...he let strangers into the house while no adults were home. Mother of the year I tell you......
BTW, received feedback today from the agent who showed the house. The people liked it, but not the lot, so they are going with something else. woo-hoo....
Also btw, Cory is not ready to be left home alone yet...ya think?
Cory's cool teacher
A couple of years ago I bought a book called Magyk by Angie Sage to read as a bedtime story to Cory, since he was reading Harry Potter for AR points so we couldn't read them at bedtime. Well, we really liked it and then I found the second book, Flyte, which we also enjoyed very much. I have been on the lookout for the next books in the series at wally world and the book fair at school and haven't seen it. Cory came home from the first day of school so excited because his social studies teacher, Ms. Sherman, had the next books in her classroom library. She lets the kids check out the books for several days at a time, so we were figuring out when Cory could check them out for him and then for me! She only allows the student one book at a time. After he read Physik, he returned it and was explaining to Ms. Sherman about me wanting to read the book also. She let him bring me the book, without checking it out. I was so excited. I really appreciate Ms. Sherman's generosity and kindness.
Poor Cory
Well, Cory and I are stuck at home because he is not feeling well today. He tried to eat toast this morning, but said his stomach hurt too much. He finally was able to eat some grits a few minutes ago, so I hope he starts feeling better. Although I hate to miss work, it is such a blessing to work at a place, Chick-fil-a at Concord Mills, that doesn't penalize me for doing what I am supposed to do and for having my priorities in the right order. When I called in today they said, "don't worry, we gotcha covered".
Monday, September 1, 2008
Disaster/Flood Relief
Cory, Jessie and I went again today with our church to help out with flood relief. It was really heartbreaking to carry out family pictures in albums and frames all water logged with flood waters, as well as clothes that the mom was saving from the oldest son to give to the younger one. I didn't feel very helpful today. Most of the stuff people still needed doing involved heavy lifting and such, but I know that everything we did was something the families we helped didn't have to do. I pray for these families and hope that they know that God did not cause their homes to be ruined, but that He can turn this mess into something good. I am deeply thankful for our church and the people in it who have hearts to show the practical love of Jesus.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Flood/Disaster Relief
I went with the youth group from church today to help victims of flooding in our area. It was so sad to see the "guts" of someones home being pulled out and piled in a giant trash container to be hauled away. Carefully planted flowers and vegetables mangled by whatever the flood dragged through. Peoples whole winter supply of firewood washed a block over into other peoples yards. It was so sad. What is also sad is that we did not see any other church groups out helping people. People in our community have had their lives turned upside down and people should be helping them. There are too many "Sunday Christians". Live your faith, show people the practical love of Jesus. Don't wait to be asked. Even if it turns out that you can't do anything, people will know that you care.
What do you do when people disappoint you? Right now I have a list so long it is making my heart and my head hurt. I am sure I disappoint people very day. I know I have disappointed people plenty of times in my life. I wish people had been more honest with me when I was making choices that hurt people. Does that mean that the people in my life want to know if I am disappointed with them??? I don't know. Is being disappointed a way of judging people? I know that judgment belongs to the Lord and not to me. I have always appreciated the fact that God did not put me in charge of judging others, since I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I think sometimes disappointment is justified, as in when your child does something you would have sworn that they would never do......
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Getting in the swing of things and other ramblings...
I am glad to be getting back in the swing of things. It was frustrating to have to stay home yesterday. It is hard to get into a rhythm of the school schedule when you have to start and stop at the beginning. I wish that they didn't go back to school till after Labor Day, then they could go to school a while before having a day off. I am not complaining about having yesterday off. Watching people in my neighborhood and down Rocky River Road have to try to save their belongings while having their homes invaded by nasty flood waters and by nasty critters trying to escape flood waters certainly helped me keep my perspective on that! Today was the first day for me to pick up a friend's child after school. I don't know the family very well, but he seems like a great kid and I am enjoying listening to he and Cory attempt to do homework while getting to know each other. I am letting them be way sillier and not really get any work done than I normally would when there is homework to do, but I know it is important for them to "bond". From what I know of the family, I would love for Cory and "J" to become good friends. I work with "J's" older brother, who is the ripe old age of 17 and has already finished high school. He is a wonderful Christian young man. I tease him that if I could, I would freeze him until Jessie is old enough to date. Yes, he is that great!! Well, I need to see about supper and see if these boys can't focus a little on their homework...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
No school, floodwaters etc.
Well it is the 3rd day of school...and it is cancelled! Tropical storm Fay has dumped a lot of rain on us and they are saying we will get more. I don't think my home is in danger, but we rode through the neighborhood, and that is not the case for all of my neighbors. It won't take too much more till some of them are looking at water in their homes. The kids wanted to ride down Rocky River Road to see how bad Rocky River is flooded. We have lived here for 10 years and this is the worst flooding we have seen. There are houses that are completely surrounded by water and I am sure there are some already flooded, but we didn't venture too far from home. My kids warmed my heart by coming to me and announcing that they had discussed it and decided that we should open our home to anyone who needed a place to stay because of the flooding and bad weather. I am so thankful for everyone who has had a hand in raising them this far. I am so thankful we have a church home that provides opportunities for even our young children to participate in mission work and see from an early age that life is not all about them.
First day of school

Well, a little late for me to post, but here is our annual Back to School picture. Both kids were up and ready early. They both had a great day and are excited about school, even though Cory would never admit it. I had a good day too. I went to the BTS breakfast at Cracker Barrel with a bunch of people from church. I had a good time and then I ran errands. It was nice to go to grocery shopping without the kids. Bless their hearts! They are usually good, but it is just an endless volley or words between them and me....will you buy...no, can I have...no, don't we NEED...no, no, no...!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fun Day
Today was a fun day! We started off by going to Jessie's 4-H leader's house to learn how to can tomatoes and to make plum jam. It was really fun and I learned alot too! Jennifer also made salsa. She was going to can it too, but we ate too much, so she sent it home with us. I am such a country girl "wanna be". Jennifer took us out on the "gator" riding on some trails around their house and it was the best!
The kids and I then went to Discount Furniture Outlet in Kannapolis, (my Daddy manages the store)and had free hotdogs and I took a free square dancing lesson from the dancers that were there to help Daddy promote the store. It was really fun. It was also fun to see Brandon,April and April's mom and grandmom there too.
That reminds me, April's shower was great last night. She is so sweet and was genuinely happy just to have people there. I don't think I have ever enjoyed watching an adult open gifts more. She is such a great role model for the girls in our church. The sweetness of her spirit just overflows and the joy of her heart is a blessing to all who know her!
The kids and I then went to Discount Furniture Outlet in Kannapolis, (my Daddy manages the store)and had free hotdogs and I took a free square dancing lesson from the dancers that were there to help Daddy promote the store. It was really fun. It was also fun to see Brandon,April and April's mom and grandmom there too.
That reminds me, April's shower was great last night. She is so sweet and was genuinely happy just to have people there. I don't think I have ever enjoyed watching an adult open gifts more. She is such a great role model for the girls in our church. The sweetness of her spirit just overflows and the joy of her heart is a blessing to all who know her!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Back to School, teachers and a busy day
Well, we have both Open Houses out of the way. We met the kids teachers and it feels like we are on the way to a good school year. Today we are going to finish our BTS shopping, now that we know the specifics for their particular classes. Cory seems most excited about his Social Studies teacher. Her room is WAY COOL. It looks like a museum of African/Asian art/artifacts and he heard she sometimes wears clothes representing the countries they are studying. I really liked what she had to say about her teaching methods and her belief that the kids would learn not only about how "different" other cultures seem to us, but how alike we really are as people. Jessie's teacher did her undergrad at my alma mater (Go 49er's) and she is 4 classes away from completing her master's at UNCC as well. She seemed perky and excited to be there, so we were excited too. Jessie could barely contain herself, as her best school friend, Bailey, is in her class again this year.
After our shopping, we get to have lunch with Brian, YEA! Later this afternoon I am going to help get ready for a wedding shower for our sweet April who will be marrying our worship pastor,Brandon, in October. Busy fun day ahead.....
After our shopping, we get to have lunch with Brian, YEA! Later this afternoon I am going to help get ready for a wedding shower for our sweet April who will be marrying our worship pastor,Brandon, in October. Busy fun day ahead.....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thanks Cory

Thanks to Cory for naming my blog for me. don't worry, I am not one of those people that gives themselves a nickname. Our pastor, Jimmy, calls me Leighbeau. From there we got our e-mail address, leighbeau@aol.com and from there Cory came up with the name for the blog.
My First Post!
Okay...here is my very first post ever. I don't really know why I just spent 45 minutes of my life creating a blog. I can't imagine why anyone would want to know what I am thinking all the time, but I am still very excited about the whole thing, for some unknown reason.
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