Our church, Rocky River Community Church, has a Pumpkin Patch from the end of September to the end of October every year. It is on the land that will one day have our church sitting on it, at the corner of Roberta and Pitts School Roads. One of my favorite things all year is the unloading of the pumpkin truck when it comes. For some reason I can't recall, I missed it last year. I don't know why I like it so much. I get filthy dirty and I am always dog tired by the time we are done. My favorite part is being in the back of that big old truck passing the pumpkins down an assembly line out to the people on the ground to place the pumpkins on the pallets to be sold. It is the biggest fundraiser our church does. It would not happen at all if the Bagley Family didn't give up the month of October to work the patch. Other people volunteer, but the Bagley's make the patch happen. There have been times when their family stayed there day AND night, sleeping in a camper and basically having a month long camp out. (I am sure this is great for a while, but it has to get old!) This year the pumpkins are scheduled to come on September 28, after church. I can't wait!!!
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