Thursday, October 9, 2008

Would you do it??

I pass the Lowes Motor Speedway on my way to and from work most days. There is a huge race this weekend and there are quite literally tens of thousands of people there already camping out and hanging around. There are tons of vendors out there selling anything you can think of that might interest a race fan. I did see the funniest thing I have ever seen. Right beside Highway 29 is a little camper. They got there days ago, and I guess beat out some other vendors for the prime spot. It is not an RV, fancy motor coach, or even a fancy fifth-wheel. It is little, definitely not new, pull behind camper. It has been spray painted with the words "Body Piercing", pictures of tongue studs and other "body jewelry" and words like "free jewelry". When I say spray painted, I don't mean fancy artistic airbrushing (which of course is high brow art in anyones estimation). I mean some guy went into his yard with a can of red spray paint and went to town on this camper. Who in their right mind would have a body part pierced in a little red spray painted camper on the side of the road? Okay, maybe I just answered my own question, but still.....If I can get a picture of it, I will post it. (By the way, I have my ears double pierced and I have a tattoo, but I just don't get body piercing)

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